Download Wi mark

You can download: Wi-Mark on google play

Android platform

Currently, Wi-mark is developed for android platform. The reason is the variance that andoird devices have.
There are many manufacturers, each creating different models, and all are using Android.

Apple, on the contrary, have only one flagship model for a phone, tablet and ipod, therefore, variance is very low.
Comparing Apple products to Android products may be an interesting thing to do, and that's why i'm looking into developing it for iOS.

The purpose of Wi-Mark is to give the user the ability to see how well the device reception is. Comparing devices based on Android is a tough task, and Wi-Mark tries to make the differences clear.

Wi-Mark for Windows

I'm looking into developing Wi-Mark for Windows aswell, thus making Wi-Mark cross-platform.
One of the many challenges for making such an application for windows is the way different chip manufacturers measure reception and signal quality in different ways and units.
Sometimes, even when in the same measure units, and still outcome may be very different.