Having problem syncing your accounts on android?

Accounts on your phone sometimes get stuck and do not get fresh new information. Why Does it happen? well sometimes there is a problem with the syncing process. It may work ok some of the time, or not even work completely.
That's what happened to me, specifically with Gmail and Google Keep. Mails could have been sent to my mailbox and my phone just didn't show them.
If I opened Gmail app and refresh the emails did arrive, but your want those things to be done automatically and not keep refreshing. Same goes for Google keep: if I edited notes on my desktop, it wouldnt show on my device. Other accounts however synced fine.

The solution to the syncing problem

Well, you can try an app, called FixSync and it does exacly that: fixes issues with your sync accounts if your problems is as described above. Download & buy Fix Android Sync on roei.stream